By engaging in negotiations with prosecutors, the firm confirms plea deals favorable to you or reduced charges whenever there is a possibility.
Do you want representation in all your court proceedings? Trust The McGarrigle Law Firm. It is a policy of the firm to make appearances encompassing arraignment, pre-trial conferences, and hearings.
Based on the assessment, the firm develops a tailored defense strategy so that you can challenge the prosecution’s evidence.
In the next step, the firm evaluates every aspect of your case. It mostly includes police reports, breathalyzer results, and witness statements.
The McGarrigle Law Firm begins with a thorough consultation to discuss your case in detail and understand your circumstances.
The firm founder strives to achieve the best possible outcome for your case through strategic negotiation with prosecutors and advocacy.
The attorney is a proficient negotiator when it comes to seeking favorable outcomes from the prosecutors. Often it ends up in reduced penalties or alternative sentencing options.
Facing a DUI charge? You’re not alone. Our law firm offers steadfast support and guidance throughout the entire process, ensuring your informed and empowered decisions.
You can now clear your criminal record after a DUI conviction with the comprehensive expungement services from our law firm. It will guide you through the legal process of sealing or expunging your record.
Facing license suspension? The firm advocates for you in hearings and petitions and helps you to restore your driving privileges and your rights.